Walking the Labyrinth
Beautiful Soul,
Tucked into a little space between Juniper trees and the street in a neighbourhood not far from where I live is a community gem.
A labyrinth.
It's hosted by the First Presbyterian Church of Bend which sits up on the hill above hidden behind the trees. A few days ago I remembered it when on my walk and altered my course, traveling a little further afield than I do most days because I felt an urge to go and check in with this little sacred space right beside the trail.
I stood at the entry of the labyrinth and considered a moment what my intention was for walking that day. It seemed clear. "To receive whatever was there for me." And I began to walk.
Have you ever walked a labyrinth?
There is something really beautiful and soulful about it. You know where you are going to end up but not when or exactly the route to get there. You simply walk. And along the way I always do seem to receive something.
I was thinking about all the people who have walked similarly, in contemplation and reflection. Who have prayed with head bowed, watching and feeling one foot move across the Earth and then the other. Those who have practiced the art of being present. I was aware of how each individual who has mindfully attended moments of their life like this have created peace in the world. Like a pebble dropped in a pond, they have each sent ripples radiating out. And those touch all who walk later.
I felt their touch on my trip around this spiral path.
It makes me feel hopeful. Even though sometimes I feel so disheartened and frustrated and I wonder how we humans can be getting it so wrong....here I remember that the possibility ahead is limitless. I know that we are so very strong and there is still so much potential for us to get it right.
With Love,