Timely teachings, random thoughts, and conversations with Leslie at HeartSong
Inspiring, Uplifting, and Real
This moves me…
I remember my very first yoga teacher saying once that she could see energy around bodies. I was enthralled! I couldn't imagine exactly what that meant at the time, but I was super curious.
Why "Practical Mystic"? 🪨✨
Hi! I'm Leslie, Yoga Therapist, Soul Embodiment Coach,
and Practical Mystic...
A title I received a few years back in a conversation with a friend. (Perhaps a story for another time! But you may have some ideas about that too after reading this...)
This Is Me
Did you ever see The Greatest Showman? There's the famous scene where Lettie Lutz (played by Keala Settle) steps up in front of the crowd and, with with a shaking voice, begins to sing.
It brings tears to my eyes…every time.
Ancient Stories, Life in the NOW
This morning as I'm preparing what I'm teaching in The Sanctuary, I'm personally really relating to the theme.
We are doing an exploration of themes of the Bhagavad Gita through asana...
Vote like you pray 🙏
It's so easy to get down and I hear people often say, "why should I, nothing ever changes any way."
I feel that too sometimes. Even when we make a change, it seems so tenuous. It's hard to believe it could last and really mean much. But voting IS important.
My Story of Lack- a confession and an aha!
The other day I was in class with one of my teachers and she said something that stopped me in my tracks for a minute…
The Magic In BEing YOU
One of the most challenging and life enhancing lessons I’ve learned is….
Reflections on Human Design
A while back I discovered Human Design and I am enthralled!! I started by reading up on my own and took a free online test to learn more about my design type. It was so eye opening! I could barely believe what I was reading and how much it explained....everything!
Metaphor, Meaning, and The Mystery
If you've ever hung out with me for even a short time, you know I love poetry and metaphor. It's something that I think is a bit distinctive in my teaching style - there'll always be a theme that threads through any class with images that help you to connect more deeply to the meaning of doing whatever we are doing.
The Power of Story
We all have a story. Or many....
These stories, the things that have happened during our life times, shape who we are, how we see the world, and even our experience of what happens next.
The tale of a life well lived.
Today I'm back to work seeing clients and attending to a few details, like writing this note to you, after taking a break for a few days out in nature. I'm letting myself ease back in...and lucky me, I'm heading off again on Thursday for another 5 days hiking and exploring…
Why bring *God* into it?
You might ask, when it comes to our practice of yoga and to breathing itself, why bring God into it?
Now Everyone’s Talking Magic ✨
It started off as a very powerful mantra for me. And since making that intention for myself, personally and in my programs, I am seeing magic everywhere!
Learning to love myself
I've always cried easily. My family used to tease me because I was always brought to tears when people won on the game shows we watched. Emotion. Not only mine. I feel it so deeply….
A few things you may not know, about me.
One thing I know i that I want to support people with is to feel more comfortable in their own skin. And that comfort comes with really accepting all of who you are and being willing to allow others to see you. Here, I practice this myself.
A Journey with Back Pain - Part 3: The rest of the story
It's been interesting for me to share this story about my journey with back pain. I've let you in on something that I haven't really talked much about all these years.
A Journey with Back Pain: Part 2- Why I love “Talking Back”
In part 1 of of this story (posted last week), I told you about that back injury I sustained when I was 20 and how that has inspired me to share about back health this month. I even did my last HeartBeats LIVE! on the topic. I called it, a little tongue in cheek, “Talking Back”.
A Journey With Back Pain: Part 1 - My Story
I felt it immediately, even though I wasn't sure exactly what had happened - I could barely get myself back to the edge of the pool. I was in excruciating pain, needed help getting out of the water, and then hobbled to the student health center to see what was wrong.
Happy New Year
🎉We did it! We made it to 2022!🎉 Anyone else feel like it is an accomplishment? I actually had a great year in 2021. A lot of amazing things happened. Still, I had my challenges. And looking around and seeing much of what was happening in the world around me had me shaking my head, a lot!