Private Sessions
Being willing to put yourself and your needs first and cultivating tools and practices to create a deeper knowing and loving of yourself. Strong and balanced in body, mind, and heart you begin to move differently in the world.
These Sessions are designed to expand your self-discovery, and integrate the learnings within your body and in daily life. It is a solidifying of your intuition, a deeper trust and connection to yourself and a set of consistent practices that help you feel grounded and empowered each and every single day. The grounded beauty of being present with yourself.

My one to one Sessions are tailored specifically to you
We start where you are and I help you get clear about what you want and need.
From there, I use my experience as a long time healthcare practitioner, a yoga teacher and therapist, and as a Soul-based Coach to design a practice that is unique to you.
Sometimes combining Soul-Based Coaching with Yoga practice helps to fully anchor the insights and transformations; and in time it becomes the practice that connects you to the wisdom you have discovered.
About Yoga and Yoga Therapy
Yoga has been a part of my life since my 20's and it literally saved my life in those early years giving me perspective and a re-connection back to my heart. Through my studies in yoga I was given new ways to look at the state of being human and tools to calm myself, to know and trust myself. Yoga is not only a physical practice for me; it is a portal into spirit.
I love the benefits of a strong and resilient body to tap into the power of using my energy in a way that supports me in feeling empowered and strong as I walk through each day. This yoga is not just doing a series of poses or connecting movement to your breath - it is an embodied practice that leads you home to yourself - your whole self - your true self.
It is from this foundation that I share with you.
Additionally, I have the skill and professionalism of being a yoga therapist and also have trained in multiple other healing modalities. I bring this to all my private sessions to support your health and healing.
About Mentoring for Yoga Teachers
Are you ready to step into more fully sharing your expertise as a teacher? To developing your authentic voice and deeply supporting your students to experience the true benefits of yoga?
I bring many years of experience not only teaching yoga, but teaching teachers too. My approach to mentoring is intuitive, creative, and nuanaced while being very grounded and practical at the same time.
About Soul-based Coaching
Soul Based Coaching is like the banks of a river, holding space for the flow of your special current of wisdom.
My specialised questions help you to listen deeply to your own soul wisdom. Instead of giving you answers, I help direct your attention inward where the part of you that knows resides.
Without judgement or agenda, I support you in finding, within yourself, what is ripe for growing and the nourishment to feed the changes you want to make.
Our souls speak in a language that is not always readily available to our thinking, problem solving brains. Most of us are used to the more masculine approach of figuring things out and deciding on what to do. In this coaching method we rely on a more yin, or feminine, approach. We feel and embody the changes we want to make to help to open up the channels for our life energy to flow. From there, doing the action steps becomes easier as we already have a felt sense of what it is that we want to have happen. And then, change occurs more naturally and effortlessly.
“The coaching sessions with Leslie have been revealing and helped me to see more clearly into my own mind. By the end of each session, I’ve reached an understanding within myself that I’d not had beforehand - and I don’t know if I’d have reached if not guided through the landscape of my own thoughts so skillfully.”
— Lyndsay, Coach
“I’ve attended many workshops and worked with a therapist for years, but this coaching allowed me to look at the same situations in a new way. This gave me new insight and ultimately, comfort and healing. The specific questions and techniques that Leslie utilizes helped me paint a new picture of my life.”
— Deanna, School Teacher
“Leslie’s intuitive guidance was exactly what my soul needed. She asked questions and listened deeply to the core of what was in my heart. The whole process felt very natural and intuitive and at the end of each session my heart felt soft and open while my mind was also satisfied by the logical conclusion that the process brought me to.”
— Yulia, Yoga Teacher
Benefits of Private Sessions
– Tailored to you and your needs –
– Stronger in body, mind and heart –
– Connect to inner wisdom –
– Feel calmer, more peaceful –
– Deeper understanding of self –
– Find your unique solutions for challenges –
– More resilient, physically and emotionally –
– Less pain, better able to manage pain –
– Understand what works for your body –
– Sleep better, feel less anxious –
– Thrive –
About Leslie
My colorful life encountered chaos, divorces, anxiety and depression amongst the raw beauty of it all. As I began to trust myself in new ways I developed unique methods to teach this.
My teaching and coaching work invite you to to feel into your body and mind and become acquainted with your own rhythms. How far can I go, where are my edges, what happens if I push, when is it time to lean back?
And as you learn to pay attention and discern for yourself you begin to experience the freedom, vibrancy and an aliveness that comes from feeling clear and settled.
Ready to put yourself first?
Book your Complimentary call with Leslie to learn how she can support you.
What Clients Are Saying
“After almost 20 years working privately with Leslie,
yoga has become a very stabilizing force in my life. As I have learned from her, there are really two sides to the practice of yoga - the obvious physical aspect, and, sometimes more importantly, the mental side as well. Leslie has a keen sense of knowing what is more important, depending on the day. She has helped me to develop this personal awareness. Her ability to inspire new thoughts and perspectives in a kind manner has been a powerful tool for me. Her sense of “where you are” on a given day coupled with the sheer physical practice has given me what I call my “happy place”.”
— Teresa, CPA
“Leslie is a uniquely gifted yoga teacher. Remarkably, she attunes to what your body and spirit are yearning to experience. Through listening, observing, and really seeing you, she offers guidance and support for your yoga practice that opens both your perspective and your postures. When you bring to a lesson with Leslie a “problem pose” (recently for me it was Warrior III), you leave with the renewed conviction that hard poses can indeed be your friend and a catalyst for fresh learning. Leslie helps you to get “unstuck” in your poses and in your life and to explore possibilities more fluidly and expansively.”
— Glen, Writer
“I’m a yoga teacher but I was feeling anxious sometimes while teaching. In private mentoring sessions, Leslie taught me some simple ways to re-center myself when I felt the anxiety creeping in. She also gave me unique, intuitive exercises to improve my language and instructions. I always get all my questions answered and she shines a light on things I hadn’t even thought of.
Leslie motivates me, even when I feel uncertain.
She gives me the support I need and I feel more confident
as a teacher. Because of our work together, I am able to stay more present and at ease while I'm teaching. I can pause and relax, and I am so much clearer. And best of all, my students benefit - they can really understand and feel what I want to convey.
— Aparna, Yoga Teacher
“Over the past decade, I have participated in many classes and programs with Leslie, including a yoga teacher training. Throughout these experiences, I have received consistent encouragement to use the practice to take a more active role in my life by practicing in a way that matches what I want. This encouragement helped pave the way for inner shifts I hadn't thought possible.
Though I had done yoga for many years prior, Leslie's teaching put me on the path to seeing myself even more clearly, and has led me to want to do things differently in areas where I've felt stuck thinking, "this is just the way I am". Unlike many of the paths I had chosen or was directed down in the past, this path was not prescriptive or rigid, but had clear edges to help keep me focused while allowing space and choice.”
— Kasey, Yoga Teacher
Potential clients meet with me for a complimentary Whole-Self Discovery Session
The following options are available for our work together.
We will discuss which is the best fit on your Discovery Call.
Root: Single session
Create a foundation, explore a single question.
Bring an inquiry about your yoga practice - a challenge or a tricky pose - and we’ll create a sequence for you to explore and expand with. Also great for teachers who want support around a teaching issue including practices to improve a teaching skill or to help with problem solving how to better support your student(s).
(Yoga Therapy not available as a single session for new clients. Previous yoga experience advised)
Heart: Package of 5 sessions
Focus on your core desires. Cultivate self-knowlege and compassion.
The beginning of putting yourself first. Perfect package for a Soul-based Coaching or Yoga Therapy Series where you have a specific challenge you are facing and want to create new skills and approaches and to experience lasting and empowered changes.
$799 (3 month time period)
Wisdom: Package of 10 sessions
Expand your understanding. Deepen your insight.
Create a sustainable, inspired perspective for life.
For you, when you are wanting more than a sequence of yoga poses to do. You want an evolution of your practice.
Sessions are a combination of Soul-based Coaching, Yoga, meditation, philosophy, and my loving guidance to truly be your best self in all you do.
$1499 (6 month time period)