Timely teachings, random thoughts, and conversations with Leslie at HeartSong
Inspiring, Uplifting, and Real
Letting Go at Solstice
As I am writing this for you, I am wrapping up my work for the year 2021. And beginning to look forward to the lght returning and shining on 2022. What will unfold is a mystery and yet, I find myself feeling pretty relaxed. Ready for whatever emerges.
The Practice for a Lifetime
I call it my 'daily connection practice'. And it is what keeps me practicing yoga for now over 30 years! I feel it is essential to my life and living fully. Not only that, it helps me to remain sensitive and responsive to what's going on inside of me. It keeps me more awake to what's happening in the moment and creates space in which I can make choices about what's next more clearly and easily.
Bashing Gratitude
Last week was the Thanksgiving holiday in the US and while I had a lovely time with some new friends and with family, I was super aware of also feeling uneasy with "celebrating".
Unfold your own myth
There are powerful questions alive in my heart. Who am I ?, What am I doing here?, What is my unique offering to the world? Who needs these gifts, that I have to share?
These are not new questions. Nor are they wholly unanswered. They are, however, questions that I intend to stay awake to.
Riding the currents of change
More change is coming. That is the one thing we can surely depend on. Even when it seems something might never change, there is actually no way to keep it the same. That said, when big things are changing, life can feel like a rushing river with way too many rapids!
Ease the transition to dark.
Happy Halloween 🎃 Here in the US, this day has become just another commercial, sweet treat, candy holiday. But do you know it's origins?
Did you miss me?
I don't know about you but there are some days that I can just barely keep up with myself! I move fast and I get a lot done. That doesn’t mean I don’t drop the ball sometimes.
Walking the Labyrinth
Tucked into a little space between Juniper trees and the street in a neighbourhood not far from where I live is a community gem. A labyrinth. My walk today brought a sweet reflection and hope.